Class Tests!!


Goooood Weekend my brethren. Another horrible week ends. I lost count of how many of them I have survived so far. Now how many of you know what is clinical depression?
Check out wikipedia you idiots. Long story short it s basically really long term depression and not always with good reason. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I am a victim of this affliction. See that is why I am a doctor of the brainses.(This logic made much more sense when I thought about it)

So you’d think someone who has these issues couldn’t possibly be any worse of in college. I thought so. I thought nothing the ol’ motherland throws can touch me. I mean what could be worse. Journals? Ha you’ve got nothing on me you filed pieces of paper! Internal assessment? HAHA Bitch please! But then one day the then father of the Motherland (Yup, the last sentence sounds messed up) thought of new horrors. He was the recipient of genuine divine inspiration and he though of – Class tests.

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